
Ajou GSIS Notice

NGO&IDC Internship Program in Medipieace

  • 이주연
  • 2014-02-11
  • 12098
                               Recruiting mentors who are NGO&IDC students of GSIS

Date : mid-march, 2014 ~ the end of June, 2014(Sat.)

Time : All day

Place : education room of Medipeace Secretariat(5 minuites on foot from Mullae Station, Line2)

1) Targeted Recruitment
    - 5 students of AJOU GSIS who want to be mentors for 25 middle or high school students participating in “Youth, Be Globally Ambitious!”

2) Contents of Recruitment
    - Mentors will be individual mentors for each 5 teams of “Youth, Be Globally Ambitious!” and have role to lead international issues and global leadership for team of middle or high school students.
    - Mentors will participate in think sessions and planning during advance preparations of “Youth, Be Globally Ambitious!”

3) Benefits of Participation
    - Mentors will be given credits that are related to International Development classes by Ajou University. Depends on the contents of your report about your activity, your grade will be decided(The details TBA)
    - Mentors will have priority to participate in events and education of Medipeace.
    - Mentors will have priority to participate in cooperation programs between Ajou University and Medipeace after.

 So NGO&IDC students who have interested in this internship, send the attached form via email to the GSIS office at no later than February 20th 2014. Then we will announce who is accepted for this program on the 1st week of March. Student who do not send a form to confirm their wishes for internship will NOT be included for further process.  
Please see follow links for more information:


                                      Graduate School of International Studies