
Ajou Univ. News

NEW (2015-12-04)The Second Ajou Hidden Champions are announced

  • 2015-12-11
  • 25796

The Second Ajou Hidden Champions are announced


The Second Ajou Hidden Champions were announced at a presentation event on December 3rd in the Grand Auditorium of Ajou University's Yulgok Hall. A total of ten selected companies were introduced.

“Hidden Champions” refers to strong and competitive companies that are smaller and less-known to the public than large conglomerates. For the purpose of finding Hidden Champions, the University launched a group of about fifty student evaluators in October. The students were divided into ten teams, with each team assigned to identify one candidate from among the companies with less than 1,000 employees and with revenue of ten to one hundred billion won or less. They then conducted assessments of the candidates during November in terms of their welfare benefits, technological capabilities, comparative status within their respective industries, etc.

The ten selected companies are Young-Il Education System, Etners, Ehwa Diamond Industrial, Motrex, Neo Biotech, Satrec Initiative, Snoop By, Credu, Solid, and AirenSoft.

During the presentations, individual teams explained their reasons for choosing the companies to the students who were in attendance, and seven evaluators assessed and gave awards to excellent presentations. The evaluators consisted of officials from outside companies in charge of human resources, and Director Jai Hyoung Cho and Operations Team Leader Young Hwan Bae from the Creative University Job Center. The evaluation criteria included Activities of Individual Teams, Documents Review, and Presentations, etc. The team that presented on Satrec Initiative won the Grand Prize. And the Top Prizes went to the teams that introduced Credu and Motrex, and the Excellence Awards were given to the teams that explained Solid and Ehwa Diamond Industrial, respectively.

The selection of Hidden Champions is a program unique to Ajou that aims to encourage students to positively consider small but strong companies, instead of only preparing to enter large conglomerates. In addition to the selection, the University plans to operate a long-term program, i.e., holding job fairs that can introduce the companies to students and arrange internships at the companies to help them find jobs.