
Ajou GSIS Notice

[GSIS] General Information

  • 최정영
  • 2013-03-29
  • 11566


Dear Students,



1. Class Room


    -Beginning Language class1-A: Mon/Tue/ Thu: Y154

     -Beginning Language 1-B: Mon/Tue:Y261, Thu: Y253

     -Beginning Language 2: Mon/Tue: J612,Thu: J508

     -Comparative Development Studies of the Emerging Markets: Y154





2. The Same Course


   Some course names have been changed.

    Please be careful when you register your courses.

    Even if course name has been changed, it is the same course.

    (Name is different but the content is the same.)

    And it does not be counted as credit.


   Those are the course as below:

        Trade and Development Economic of Development.

        Korean Economy Korean Economic Development




3. Welcoming Party


   We have ‘Welcoming Party’ for new students in March 15th.

    All GSIS students can participate in the event.


    *Current Student(not new students):

     If you would like to attend the party, please send us an email by this Friday.


    -Date/Time: 15:30, March, 15th


     -Place: Jonghop Hall Robby




4. Add& Drop Period


    From March 7th to 8th


   *Please remember you cannot change your course after the period.

    * If you have problems regarding course registration,

       please ask me by 17:00 this Friday.




Graduate School of International Studies