
Ajou Univ. News

NEW [16.12.01] Ajou's education program on business startup is selected as a best practice for university career development

  • 2016-12-08
  • 24995

Ajou University received a Letter of Commendation from the Korean Council for University Education and the Presidential Committee on the Young Generation after its program was chosen as a best practice in the '2016 University Career Development Education.' The award ceremony was held on November 30th at Chung-Ang University.

The selected best practice of the University is the 'Startup AJOU 3 by 3' program. It is providing customized support for students starting their own businesses in '3 business types and 3 stages' based on the capabilities of the entrepreneurs.

At the award ceremony, a total of 21 universities received Letters of Commendation, including Ajou, and a collection of the career education examples will be published later.